You can ignite your marketing efforts and passion for the game by
learning to use your personal story and expertise to get potential
clients subscribing to your opt-in list.
I want to show you 10 simple steps you can implement with a low-cost
investment and a little effort that you can use as a springboard for
more aggressive online marketing campaigns.
By creating an interesting web site, which consist of one simple, yet,
well-designed web page you can begin a relationships with qualified
prospects. The "Interest Site" is designed to share content and offer a
customized introductory e-product to someone who would qualify to be
considered your ideal client. The focus of the site has to be a HOT
TOPIC for your ideal client and it has to tie back to your product theme
in some logical way.
The Interest Site will include the following components:
1. The reason why the ideal client should read the content and
subscribe to your list to get the introductory product. You written
communication should be compelling, not contain hype, and impress the
ideal client so they know free product does not mean no-value, low-value
product, but it means you are a generous person, you are a skilled
business person, and you are beginning your relationship with them on
good and ethical terms.
2. Weave in a soft introduction that is designed to create affinity with
your ideal client so they know you are like them, understand them, and
share some of the same concerns and interests as they relate to this
topic. Be brief.
3. Discuss one to three key points related to the topic that the ideal
client would find very interesting. Notice I said the ideal client would
find them interesting, you may not, and the non-ideal client may not.
You may have expertise in this area or you may have to go and do some
research. Either way, make sure the information is highly relevant to
your ideal client and related to your primary business offering.
4. Include a message that lets the ideal client know that this content
is incomplete and they can get more advanced information by signing up
for the complimentary ecourse or workbook. Don't offer just a newsletter
or special report. These things are over used and are often perceived
as low value until your credibility is well established.
5. Give the ideal client a teaser preview of the HOT HOT HOT TOPICS
covered in the ecourse or workbook. Summarize what you have provided and
remind them to subscribe
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fast money here
dimanche 27 mai 2018
dimanche 6 mai 2018
New Google Blog Search is Great Marketing News for Business Podcasts, Blogs and RSS Feed Publishers
Google just introduced Blog Search in beta yesterday. This new search
function allows for you to search the internet for Blogs, Podcasts and
RSS feeds. You simply type in your keywords and it will show you results
that have come from these sources.
The results they display are not showing any preferences to Blogs that are published on Blogger. We are seeing results for all Blogging platforms. Actually Google Blog Search is not just looking at Blogs. They are looking for any RSS feed, which might be from a Blog, Podcast, or any other XML feed. It appears that the search tool is pretty responsive and we are seeing results show up in a matter of hours after a new post is made to the RSS Blog and Podcast Feed. This is another way that you can create online visibility for your business.
The organic results are sorted by relevancy, but you have the option to sort them by date as well. This is especially nice if you want to locate the latest post for a fast breaking news topic and want to find it quickly in the blogosphere. The other thing that Google has done is to try to eliminate some of the "noise" and Spam of the blogosphere. They are looking at high quality Blogs and show them at the top of the page under what is called "Related Blogs". This is prime real estate for your Blog to be listed in.
As an example: Go to the new Google Blog search ( ) and type in podcasting tips. The results that are shown at the top 2 of the 3 Related Blogs happen to be authored by me. You will also see over 1600 results and we have several additional results on the front page. This is because we are writing 6 quality Blogs and publishing quality content frequently to these Blogs.
Google currently does not support a manual submission for your Blog feed. I think this is smart, since it keeps the unethical people out of the picture. If you are Blogging or Podcasting properly and following best practices; your feed will be found by Google. Make sure that you are also following best practices for pinging after your feed is updated. This will ensure that your feed is updated by Google.
It looks like Google started to index Blogs, Podcasts and RSS feeds in June of 2005. They are currently not showing posts that were made previous to this. They may change this in the future. Google has found a way to somewhat keep the black hat SEO and unethical Bloggers out of the results. We can all celebrate this; because this means quality and relevant results for searchers.
Podcasters should also take note that individual podcast shows are also being listed in the results. This is a great way for users find your podcasts and individual podcast shows, based upon specific topics and content.
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The results they display are not showing any preferences to Blogs that are published on Blogger. We are seeing results for all Blogging platforms. Actually Google Blog Search is not just looking at Blogs. They are looking for any RSS feed, which might be from a Blog, Podcast, or any other XML feed. It appears that the search tool is pretty responsive and we are seeing results show up in a matter of hours after a new post is made to the RSS Blog and Podcast Feed. This is another way that you can create online visibility for your business.
The organic results are sorted by relevancy, but you have the option to sort them by date as well. This is especially nice if you want to locate the latest post for a fast breaking news topic and want to find it quickly in the blogosphere. The other thing that Google has done is to try to eliminate some of the "noise" and Spam of the blogosphere. They are looking at high quality Blogs and show them at the top of the page under what is called "Related Blogs". This is prime real estate for your Blog to be listed in.
As an example: Go to the new Google Blog search ( ) and type in podcasting tips. The results that are shown at the top 2 of the 3 Related Blogs happen to be authored by me. You will also see over 1600 results and we have several additional results on the front page. This is because we are writing 6 quality Blogs and publishing quality content frequently to these Blogs.
Google currently does not support a manual submission for your Blog feed. I think this is smart, since it keeps the unethical people out of the picture. If you are Blogging or Podcasting properly and following best practices; your feed will be found by Google. Make sure that you are also following best practices for pinging after your feed is updated. This will ensure that your feed is updated by Google.
It looks like Google started to index Blogs, Podcasts and RSS feeds in June of 2005. They are currently not showing posts that were made previous to this. They may change this in the future. Google has found a way to somewhat keep the black hat SEO and unethical Bloggers out of the results. We can all celebrate this; because this means quality and relevant results for searchers.
Podcasters should also take note that individual podcast shows are also being listed in the results. This is a great way for users find your podcasts and individual podcast shows, based upon specific topics and content.
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mardi 1 mai 2018
So You Want To Make Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Campaigns?
Everyone wants to make $300 a day or more with their AdWords campaigns.
You've started a few campaigns, spent a few dollars, and now you're
wondering - "where's the payoff!"
There's no secret to AdWords success. Like anything, joining the big leagues of AdWords profits means you must put in the hours. In this case, it's hours of keyword work.
Extensive Keyword Research
There are literally thousands of keywords for every industry. By advertising a thousand or more keywords you will greatly increase your chance of getting clicks at a cheaper rate.
Consider this:
Campaign A: Your AdWords campaign has only 4 keywords. These keywords are the most popular keywords for your industry. The average CPC is $1. These keywords get 6000 searches a day. Your campaign is getting a 2% CTR which means your getting $120 clicks at a total cost of $120.
Campaign B: You research and bid on 2000 keywords. The average CPC is .10 These 2000 keywords also receive 6000 search queries a day. Again using a 2% CTR, your campaign is delivering 120 visitors. But instead of paying $120 as in Campaign A, you are only paying $12.
Obviously, Campaign B is the better performing campaign. Campaign B is saving $108 a day, $3,600 a month and $43,200 per year. The difference in ROI is staggering.
Remember, the difference between the two campaigns was in the keywords. Campaign A had a few popular keywords. Campaign B contained 2000 keywords. The keywords in Campaign B are less popular, translating to a cheap CPC for you.
How To Find Keywords For Your PPC Campaigns
Now you know the importance of doing extensive keyword research before beginning an AdWords campaign. But how do you come up with a long list of targetted keywords. Here's how:
The simplest and easiest method to come up with good keywords is to think long and hard. "Yeah, that'll get me 50 words" you say." Still need more keywords? Try these tools;
1. Google Keyword Generator (
2. WordTracker (
3. Overture Search Suggestion Tool (
4. Keyword Wrapper (
5. MyTrashMail Keyword Generator (
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There's no secret to AdWords success. Like anything, joining the big leagues of AdWords profits means you must put in the hours. In this case, it's hours of keyword work.
Extensive Keyword Research
There are literally thousands of keywords for every industry. By advertising a thousand or more keywords you will greatly increase your chance of getting clicks at a cheaper rate.
Consider this:
Campaign A: Your AdWords campaign has only 4 keywords. These keywords are the most popular keywords for your industry. The average CPC is $1. These keywords get 6000 searches a day. Your campaign is getting a 2% CTR which means your getting $120 clicks at a total cost of $120.
Campaign B: You research and bid on 2000 keywords. The average CPC is .10 These 2000 keywords also receive 6000 search queries a day. Again using a 2% CTR, your campaign is delivering 120 visitors. But instead of paying $120 as in Campaign A, you are only paying $12.
Obviously, Campaign B is the better performing campaign. Campaign B is saving $108 a day, $3,600 a month and $43,200 per year. The difference in ROI is staggering.
Remember, the difference between the two campaigns was in the keywords. Campaign A had a few popular keywords. Campaign B contained 2000 keywords. The keywords in Campaign B are less popular, translating to a cheap CPC for you.
How To Find Keywords For Your PPC Campaigns
Now you know the importance of doing extensive keyword research before beginning an AdWords campaign. But how do you come up with a long list of targetted keywords. Here's how:
The simplest and easiest method to come up with good keywords is to think long and hard. "Yeah, that'll get me 50 words" you say." Still need more keywords? Try these tools;
1. Google Keyword Generator (
2. WordTracker (
3. Overture Search Suggestion Tool (
4. Keyword Wrapper (
5. MyTrashMail Keyword Generator (
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