We can build our businesses slow and difficult or fast and easier.
are only Five Things that you must Learn and Do in order to start your
Network Marketing business FAST and BIG! If you Learn and Do these five
steps often and consistently, your upline will provide any other
knowledge or activity necessary for your success. Trust me, they will
even be happy to carry your bags or have them carried when you visit the
resorts of the world together!
1. Define and describe your "WHY"
in a few sentences. Your Why should include the emotional reasons you
want change in your life. Remember to use words that elicit emotional
response. Exclude goals or desires for material things!
Now that
you have your "Why" documented in a few sentences, remember that it is
not about you. So, concentrate more on your prospects "Why" than on your
2. Create, organize and maintain a proper Prospect List. - Use a notebook. List must be written.
· Carry pen and paper with you always. Put pad beside your bed, on the kitchen counter, in your briefcase, on your desk, etc.
Put down an immediate 20. Identify the top five people you would like
to be in business with or travel and vacation when you are financially
able. If they don't act, MOVE ON - SOME WILL LISTEN LATER! Build to 100,
then 200. Most everybody knows 250 people.
Label your prospects
with numbers. Also label with the letters C or B, where C stands for
Customer and B stands for Business prospect.
o 1. Close circle of friends and relative
o 2. People we know well but don't see often or see often and don't know well
o 3. People we know faintly or have a connection to.
o 4. People we meet.
We are sorting, not selling or recruiting. We should normally make a
Customer approach unless we already know their needs relating to a
Business Opportunity approach.
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