Have you had this happen - you are on social media and someone you
know is so excited about their network marketing opportunity and they
send you a message trying to prospect you? You are online doing your
daily tasks, and you feel bombarded with messages about looking at their
opportunity. Have you ever felt like someone is 'vomiting' on you with
their opportunity?
There is a right way and a wrong way to prospect successfully!
ultimate goal is to move someone from where they are currently, to
making their life better. As a leader in your business, you are
committed to helping people reach a better life. This is what most
people want, but many times don't know how to go about getting it.
you have to change their mental address and get them to move to a
different quadrant. When you first meet someone they may have a nice,
secure job and feel content where they are. You must know what their
entrepreneur temperature is.
Others may have a secure job, but
don't like the way management is and want to be their own boss. This is
where many leaders in network marketing come in. They are moving
forward, and want to empower others to do the same.
Before using
the 3 tools for successful prospecting, you want to make sure they are
also a leader and looking for a system to leverage.
1. Greeting
people just jump right in without some kind of greeting - here is my
link to check out my great opportunity. You are thinking, wait a minute -
who are you? What is your success? It kind of feels like a bucket of
cold water on your face. Nobody likes that.
Greet someone and get
them to talk freely and openly to you. Get them comfortable telling you
what they most want and need from a business in the first place.
2. Qualify The Prospect
is a key component, for without this, there is no 3rd step. Remember
that not everyone is a prospect! Just because you greet someone and
converse with them, doesn't mean you want to add them to your network.
out what their wants, needs and don't wants are and how it pertains to
your business. Part of this is trying to truly understand why they want
to be in business in the first place.
Here are some great examples of some qualifying questions to ask:
When you picture the perfect business (after the greeting and getting to know them), what do you picture that being?
What do you not want in your business?
What do you want to achieve?
What would make you say, "That is what I am looking for!"
These type of questions will let you know if you continue on with the process.
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