As you may be aware, LinkedIn can be very effective for people
selling to other businesses (B2B) - for many such businesses, it's a key
source of traffic and leads.
In fact, it can be a more logical
place to concentrate your marketing efforts than Facebook. Facebook
users are often less interested in business or sales talk, and traffic
can be harder to convert.
In contrast, LinkedIn is mainly used by
business professionals as part of their working life. It's also rapidly
growing, with numbers approaching 400 million.
But how should you
use it for marketing? Here are 5 ways to start using LinkedIn as a key
part of your overall marketing strategy, and help drive traffic and
1 - Optimize your profile
Spend time on your profile and consider the image you're presenting through it. Also, consider who you want to attract.
will help build your LinkedIn network, building your own authority and
credibility, and can lead to new partnerships, business opportunities,
and direct traffic.
LinkedIn can be traditionally thought of as a
recruitment tool, and a lot of people craft their profiles in line with
this--even when they're a business owner and/or they're not actually
looking for a job.
If instead you're on LinkedIn with the primary purpose of finding new leads for your business, craft your profile accordingly.
In what way can you "sell" yourself?
A sales message talks about the benefits, rather than just the hard cold facts of what something does.
the same for yourself--what's the benefit for the other person in
connecting with you? How would they benefit from the association?
2 - Get involved with LinkedIn Groups.
for LinkedIn Groups related to your niche or industry, and join them.
Get involved by creating appropriate and useful content and
participating in discussions. Work toward establishing some deeper
relationships with others in the group.
Once you get your feet
wet, you could also try setting up a group of your own and encourage
people in your niche to join. Groups will be most effective for you
where you aim to 'give' value as much as possible rather than 'take.
making blatant sales pitches in the groups. Instead think about how you
can attract leads to you by simply contributing and helping others.
You'll get much better results this way.
3 - Post content on Pulse.
Yes, just like I'm doing here.
article is actually based on an original blog post, albeit with some
adaptations and updates, so you don't have to create content from
scratch each time. You can just rewrite other content you already have,
and adapt it as necessary for the Pulse environment.
How does this help you?
Here are just some of the benefits:
You attract people on LinkedIn who may not have come across you before -
those who wish to read more of your content in future can start
following you and be notified whenever you publish something new.
When someone does follow you (or Like your post), an update is posted
for their connections to see, potentially attracting more Follows and
-- You can link to your site from within the post and help
drive traffic from highly targeted prospects. For example, include a
call to action towards the end of the article, such as offering some
kind of lead magnet in return for their email address. Or include an
inline link or two within the main body of the article.
-- Your
followers (which includes your connections) are notified each time you
publish. This helps keep you and your business front of mind and build
your relationship with them. As they read more of your content, you
build your trust and credibility levels with them.
-- You can use
the link to your content on Pulse for updates to your other social
profiles. This increases your communications with your audience and the
number of 'touches' they get from you, as well as helps to grow your
social channels and level of influence in general. It also builds your
engagement metrics on Pulse, which can lead to higher visibility of your
content and therefore the ability to be in front of more potential
Worth doing? You bet.
4 - Update your followers.
as on other social networks, you can can share updates with your
LinkedIn followers, whether via your personal profile or on your
LinkedIn company page.
Share news about your business, useful tips, or content you've created that might be useful to your social community.
of course interact and engage with content from your connections. This
helps further build and solidify those relationships, attracts new leads
and connections, and keeps you and your business front of mind.
Where appropriate and where it genuinely adds value, offer links through to content on your own site.
5 - Focus on building your network.
network of connections on LinkedIn doesn't just have to be restricted
to people you know well or who you've met in person. Expand and build
your network by doing the following:
Via 'Connections > Add
Connections' on the LinkedIn menu, invite people you already know via
email. If you have an email list for your business, try opening a new
email account on say Yahoo! Mail, importing your list of email addresses
(up to 5000), and then connecting that mail account with LinkedIn to
invite thousands at a time. (Yes, there is a facility to upload a CSV
file directly into LinkedIn... however, it invariably doesn't work,
hence this work around with a clean email account).
LinkedIn will
suggest people you may already know - go through the list on a regular
basis and connect with people you recognize, with whom you have
connections in common, or who may have an interest in your content and
in what you do.
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