The word "Civic" means having to do with the affairs of the community and the term, "business" means a commercial enterprise.
Thus, a civic business is a commercial enterprise (or a for-profit company) whose primary concern is the affairs of the community which supports them.
Just look around you. The application or manifestation of this concept can be seen in several communities. Whenever the Hispanic community or the Korean community moves into a particular area, they tend to purchase entire strip malls and stores with expectations that the community will support these establishments. If it wasn't for this concept, there would be no China Town in New York and San Francisco. The Asian Indian community exemplifies this concept through their domination of several multi-level marketing organizations and Steven Silbiger put it best in his outstanding book, The Jewish Phenomenon, when he wrote, "Take care of your own and they will take care of you".
The general practice in the marketplace today is to maximize profit while minimizing cost or expense. Now this translates into terms like "price what the market will bear" or "downsizing, rightsizing or re-engineering". An enterprise gives back to the community of customers only when they believe that it will improve their bottom line and this is usually on a programmatic basis. All major organizations have their "community or charity" programs which means as quickly as they started the programs, they can also shut them down. Business giveth and business taketh away.
However, a civic business "Give Back Program" is not really a program. It is part of the overall make-up or policy structure. It is one of the reasons the entity exists. Customers and the community are true partners with the business. Not only do they share in the benefits of the products or services, but they also share in the wealth
The customers of CBs are known as Investment Consumers or Prosumers (which is short for producers and consumers in one). CB's not only give back to their customers. They take these funds and invest them so that their "savings" or "discounts" also make money. Thus, in the future, these prosumers have a tangible source of funds to show for their years of loyal spending.
So, what is the key ingredient that makes CB's so different from traditional business? I'm glad you asked. That difference is wrapped up in two little words, "greed and control".
Greed is defined as an excessive desire to acquire or possess wealth or power beyond what one needs or deserves. The key words in this definition is "excessive desire". The ability to minimize this desire in an organization can only be accomplished through faith-based principles.
This is also true of the term "control", which means to exercise dominating influence over someone or something. Since the beginning of time, the question has always been "who is in control?"
Why did God forbid man to eat of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil"? God was requesting man to provide voluntary control. The same is still true today. Governments are formed, wars are fought and businesses are established for one driving purpose: man's ability to control other men and here again this desire can only be minimized through the practice of faith-based principles.
So then, in recap: What are the benefits to both the owner and to the customer participating in a CB?
To the Owner:
• A continuous stream of loyal customers
• A stable and established business
• Ownership of an entity that can be left in your will
• Minimal cost to advertise or market
• Peace of mind to sleep at night
To the Customer:
• Sharing in the wealth they helped produce
• Ownership of an entity that can be left in your will
• Knowing they have the support of businesses in hard times
Peace of mind to sleep at night
Now, there you have it, the true picture of a True Civic Business. Let me ask you a question. Knowing this, why would you want to do business any other way?
Thus, a civic business is a commercial enterprise (or a for-profit company) whose primary concern is the affairs of the community which supports them.
Just look around you. The application or manifestation of this concept can be seen in several communities. Whenever the Hispanic community or the Korean community moves into a particular area, they tend to purchase entire strip malls and stores with expectations that the community will support these establishments. If it wasn't for this concept, there would be no China Town in New York and San Francisco. The Asian Indian community exemplifies this concept through their domination of several multi-level marketing organizations and Steven Silbiger put it best in his outstanding book, The Jewish Phenomenon, when he wrote, "Take care of your own and they will take care of you".
The general practice in the marketplace today is to maximize profit while minimizing cost or expense. Now this translates into terms like "price what the market will bear" or "downsizing, rightsizing or re-engineering". An enterprise gives back to the community of customers only when they believe that it will improve their bottom line and this is usually on a programmatic basis. All major organizations have their "community or charity" programs which means as quickly as they started the programs, they can also shut them down. Business giveth and business taketh away.
However, a civic business "Give Back Program" is not really a program. It is part of the overall make-up or policy structure. It is one of the reasons the entity exists. Customers and the community are true partners with the business. Not only do they share in the benefits of the products or services, but they also share in the wealth
The customers of CBs are known as Investment Consumers or Prosumers (which is short for producers and consumers in one). CB's not only give back to their customers. They take these funds and invest them so that their "savings" or "discounts" also make money. Thus, in the future, these prosumers have a tangible source of funds to show for their years of loyal spending.
So, what is the key ingredient that makes CB's so different from traditional business? I'm glad you asked. That difference is wrapped up in two little words, "greed and control".
Greed is defined as an excessive desire to acquire or possess wealth or power beyond what one needs or deserves. The key words in this definition is "excessive desire". The ability to minimize this desire in an organization can only be accomplished through faith-based principles.
This is also true of the term "control", which means to exercise dominating influence over someone or something. Since the beginning of time, the question has always been "who is in control?"
Why did God forbid man to eat of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil"? God was requesting man to provide voluntary control. The same is still true today. Governments are formed, wars are fought and businesses are established for one driving purpose: man's ability to control other men and here again this desire can only be minimized through the practice of faith-based principles.
So then, in recap: What are the benefits to both the owner and to the customer participating in a CB?
To the Owner:
• A continuous stream of loyal customers
• A stable and established business
• Ownership of an entity that can be left in your will
• Minimal cost to advertise or market
• Peace of mind to sleep at night
To the Customer:
• Sharing in the wealth they helped produce
• Ownership of an entity that can be left in your will
• Knowing they have the support of businesses in hard times
Peace of mind to sleep at night
Now, there you have it, the true picture of a True Civic Business. Let me ask you a question. Knowing this, why would you want to do business any other way?
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