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samedi 3 octobre 2015

Is A Private Cloud Service Business Your Best Bet?

Is cloud storage really the next big money maker in the technology field? If you take a look at the myriad of storage services cropping up these days, it would certainly seem so. Which is why launching a private cloud service business may be your best bet for achieving success in the IT field.
But if so many big name companies are jumping on the cloud storage bandwagon, how can the little guy possibly hope to compete? Well, cloud storage is a complex idea with a lot of different layers; from simple, individual users to the much larger and more complex storage needs of companies. And just as there are so many different potential customers, there is a need for a range of services to provide for them.
What can really make you stand out is your ability to understand the complexities of cloud storage and provide a customer, whether an individual or company, with exactly the service they need. This can cover everything from transmitting data smoothly to ensuring that the right programs are in place to secure it and allowing for 24/7 access so that customers are never completely cut off from their data.
When you consider the fact that public use of cloud storage has reached nearly 90%, you can begin to understand why the idea of a private cloud service business could be so attractive. Add in the fact that many individuals and businesses lack the expertise to adequately handle cloud storage on their own and that attraction only increases.
While they may not understand how to go about it, most businesses understand the very real need for cloud storage. In fact, more than 60% of companies maintain that they are concerned about cloud security and they are taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure that their data remains safe. This has opened the door for trained IT professionals to step in and offer the kind of data storage and security that these customers are looking for.
By starting up your own online business aimed at providing secure cloud storage, you can help to fill what has become an urgent need in today's technology-reliant society. This can include not only providing a physical location for the storage of their data, but using extra measures like encryption and threat detection software to offer the utmost in security.
For companies or individuals who are worried about the safety of their data but are unable to understand the intricacies of cloud computing, having someone they can rely on to do it for them represents a major advantage. While there may be big names participating in the cloud storage field, they can often come with big prices and you can give yourself the leg up on the competition by offering a more cost-efficient option.
The bottom line is that if you want to put your IT skills to good use with your own online business, you might want to consider the idea of a private cloud service business. This is an idea that is only getting bigger with time and it just may be your ticket to a successful IT career.

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