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vendredi 4 septembre 2015

Top 10 Commandments of A "Juicy" Affiliate Marketing Business

1. Thou Shall Go Where You Can Get The Fattest Worms.
Large Commissions being offered: - It may seem tacky to 'go where the money is', but the size of commissions really matters for your ROI. Apply common sense to these commissions. Companies that claim to pay 100% most likely are a scam because the question is then how do they make their money?
2. Thou Shall Enquire About Re-occurring Commissions.
Reoccurring commissions really, really add up over time. If you make about 15% for every sale, and all sales are part of a monthly payment for the customer, so all you need is to grow your customer base, then you know how much income will come to you monthly.
3. Thou Shall Get Rewarded For A Hard Days' Work.
In a nutshell; rewards for results. A good affiliate marketing company will reward you for results and can even set soft targets with bigger rewards to encourage you to do more.
4. Thou Shall Have Products of Value
Products of value that can easily convert to a sale: What value of products is in the offering by this affiliate company? Research the products and ensure that you are providing value for money to your visitors or customers.
5. Thou Shall Have An Organised Company Structure
This is very important when choosing an affiliate marketing company. For example, marketing material plus tracking - The style and range of marketing material is vast. It's hard to find if you don't know what you're looking for, but if you are interested in a specific program, it could be worth your time to shoot an email over to your affiliate manager and ask him what type of marketing materials they provide. That's vague enough and should give him/her a chance to brag about what they offer.
6. Thou Shall Have Active Affiliate Managers/Up-lines:
These are managers that have got your back. They help to motivate you when you are not at your best because they can see your results from their end. A good manager knows that your success is their success. So do your research before joining the affiliate company and ask your questions upfront.
7. Thou Shall Have Been There And Done That
How long have they been around? Any affiliate company that is less than 5 years may be risky to join. But hey, it all depends on a lot of factors most especially the products that they have and terms & conditions of their commissions.
8. Thou Shall Have Business Foresight
Big market, evergreen niche, tons of keywords - Target affiliate companies that have a big market that will be around for a long time e.g fitness, health, weight management, food, etc are examples of some niches which cut across all.
9. Thou Shall Have Attractive Start-up Investment
Look for affiliate companies that have small start-up costs that you can grow over time. In the long run, you are safer with such affiliate marketing companies.
10. Thou Shall Have Free Entry And Exit.
Read the fine print carefully or get an expert to explain it to you. When you decide to join, understand the terms and condition. You should also know that the penalties of leaving are in the middle of the game. Weigh what you have got to lose if you choose to leave versus what you stand to gain if you stay when you are at that crossroad.

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