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samedi 19 septembre 2015

Avoiding Shiny Object Syndrome in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about using the most up-to-date technology and trends to devise a plan and outdo the competition online. It takes plenty of research and you will be required to notice what today's audience is looking for when it comes to a particular niche to determine what will go into your strategy. Regrettably, many marketers fall for the "shiny object syndrome". This means that they are drawn to new buzzwords, trends and channels and believe that they must use them on their target audience. I have provided you with some information to think about before adding those new concepts to your marketing campaign.
While the "shiny object syndrome" can be fun, appealing, and surprising, the problem is, that many marketers jump at the chance to use them and do not take the time to see if these concepts are what your target audience is really looking for or interested in. You may be inclined to think that just because they are new and "shiny", means that they are "hot", and should be used to blow away both the audience and your competitors. However, this can lead to backfire on the marketer if the audience you are targeting is not interested in them, or anything that they need. Readers will leave sites immediately if they are not able to find the information that they need, no matter how "hip" the marketing is.
Consider the business strategy that you are currently working on before trying new ideas. Think about the problems that you are trying to solve, how you reach your customers, the number of visitors that use your information, your resources and whether or not you are considered an expert. If these new concepts are not suitable to each one of your goals that you have for these considerations, you risk having your marketing plan, and eventually your audience, turn against you. Conversely, if you do not completely understand these considerations ahead of time, the prospect of the new concepts being added to your plan will most definitely fail.
Do not use new tools solely for the sake of using new tools. As an example, just because a new social media site comes out, this does not mean that you have to sign up and start using it right away. It may not even be relevant to your target niche. When it comes to marketing, your time is precious, do not wast time on aspects that will not help your business. Before you begin adding anything new to your marketing strategy, you need to ensure that your current plan is already succeeding. Adding something new without any knowledge about why your current one is failing will probably still end up in failure.
Be sure everything is in place for success before you begin adding and moving things around in your marketing strategy. Be sure that whatever methods you select to use are also relevant for targeting your particular audience. For instance, if you are targeting women of a certain age, ensure that whatever is in your plan is relevant for that audience. As earlier described, as an affiliate marketer, it should be your number one priority to not fall for the "shiny object syndrome". You are definitely permitted to use new ideas in your strategy if, what you are trying to accomplish with your strategy overall, and if what you want to add or change is relevant to your audience.

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